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Raw or Roasted Cashew Nuts – Find Out Which One is Better

Cashew Nuts are a popular snack and ingredient in many cuisines worldwide. They are enjoyed roasted and salted as a snack, used in confectionery and baked goods, and added to savoury dishes for added texture and flavour. When it comes to trading cashew nuts, the question of whether to trade them raw or roasted is…

Know What Are the Health Benefits Of Organic Cashew Nuts

The cashew tree, originally from Brazil but now farmed worldwide in warm climes, produces a kidney-shaped seed known as a cashew. Although “raw” Organic Cashew Nut is generally available, you shouldn’t consume them since they contain urushiol, also in poison ivy. Some people have allergic reactions after touching urushiol because it is poisonous. To eliminate…

W320 Cashew Nut – Your Delicious Evening Snack

W320 Cashew Nut is harvested from trees that grow naturally in the Amazon Basin of Brazil. The Portuguese explorers helped spread it all over the world, and now it’s grown commercially in nations like Brazil, Vietnam, India, and many in Africa. The “cashew apples” on a cashew tree are phony fruits, or “accessory fruits,” that…

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